Registration Tutorial

You can start registering by following the pictorial steps below:


Step 1:

Visit our church service registration page, then select the service time you wish to attend. The two options are 9am - 10:30am or 11:30am - 1pm


Step 2:

After clicking the link for whichever time service you wish to attend, you will be presented with the Event page with a few options. Please note: Because this will be a recurring event, you will have to register each week until the restrictions have been relaxed or lifted. You are, however, able to select the Sabbaths you wish to register and attend church in advance. If you wish to do so, you can select a different date by selecting the drop down button illustrated below which will present you with a list of dates that registration will be required for.

Please note: You can only register for a single date per website session. This means if you have registered for a date you will have to refresh the page in order to register for a another date.

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Step 3:

After you have selected a date, you may proceed to click the tickets button as highlighted in the illustration in order to proceed to the next step


Step 4:

In this next step, you will be provided with the screen to select your ticket type. If you are not a Minister or participating in assigned Ministerial duties on the day, then you will select the General Admission ticket.


Step 5:

In order to proceed to the next step you will have to select the quantity of tickets you wish to take. For this event however, the maximum amount of tickets that can be acquired by any registered congregant is 1 (ONE). After you have selected your ticket quantity you will proceed to the next step.

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Step 6:

Once you have selected the ticket amount, then you can proceed to click the checkout button to go to the next screen.


Step 7:

At checkout all you will be required to do is to provide your name and email address and click the register button and you’re all done! In 7 easy steps.

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